Bazel is incompatible with JavaScript

Bazel is an open source fork of Google’s internal tooling, Blaze, that I’ve had the misfortune of fighting with for the past year. It promises a mouthwatering smorgasboard of:

  • Incremental builds
  • Build caching
  • Remote build caching
  • Support for any programming language, any codebase, and any possible deploy target

The reviews are great. It has a passionate fanbase. It’s well-maintained and supported. There’s just one itty-bitty problem that gets overlooked by the people opting for it: it’s useless for JavaScript. In this blog post we’ll dig into why Bazel shouldn’t touch ANY JavaScript, TypeScript, or Node.js at all.

@BenLesh on “I loved Blaze (Bazel) at Google... But your company will never, ever be able to do Bazel like Google does Blaze. And while it probably helps the build  pipeline for your JVM-based whatever backend, it's an absolute hinderance for TypeScript/JavaScript development.”


“I don’t use Bazel and don’t care. I found this Googling and just want to know what I should use.” Use Turborepo + pnpm. Turborepo is designed for how JS works from the ground-up, and does a lovely job at delivering on all of Bazel’s promises but tailored to the JS ecosystem. Though I won’t mention Turborepo again in this blog post, just know for every criticism levied against Bazel, I can’t say the same for Turborepo.

“What about Nx?” I’ve had a lot more papercuts with Nx because they try and follow Bazel philosophy more closely, but compromise on what parts don’t fit into JS. So while you don’t have the full-on headaches, you have a compromise of the headaches.

Inputs and outputs

Let’s back up a bit and lay some groundwork. The underlying principle of skipping work is determinism. Or more specifically, the idea that if the inputs don’t change, the outputs shouldn’t, therefore, no reason to rebuild (assuming it’s a pure system).

Bazel—and any other build system for that matter—operates off this principle of “identify the inputs, and you can determine whether or not a rebuild is necessary.” Everyone is on board at this point. But where it oversteps is it needs to know the outputs ahead of time, too, Which doesn’t work for JS.

Problem 1: Assistant to the Micromanager

Much of the existing Bazel + JS systems have focused on simple tsc generation: for every .ts file, build one .js file. While that is one usecase, friend, if you think that’s all JS build tools do, I’ve got really bad news.

There are 2 common patterns in JS that are unsolved problems in Bazel: npm packages, and bundled sites.

An npm package needs to build .mjs, .js, .cjs, corresponding .d.mts and .d.cjs declarations, as well as *.map files for all of the above. All these outouts likely won’t be 1:1 with the source .ts files. In a distributed package, the inputs alone do not determine the outputs; they are only half of the equation. You may bundle your CJS build into one file, or your ESM, or both. You may choose to even have a “lite” version of your package that leaves out heavy modules. In all cases the output is a product of the inputs + build system. Bazel would want me to give it a full list of every file in my package ahead of time. Which means I have to manually write down a list of possibly hundreds of files before any build will work.

For the bundled site, consider an Astro site (like this one!). It can handle any filetype the web can (because we’re building a website). But what’s more, we have things like PageFind, where based on the contents of other files, we will get about 50+ .pf_meta/.pf_index/.pf_fragment files, randomly-hashed, indexing the site for search. Bazel would want me to tell it ahead of time what all those random files will be named I have no control over that are critical to the functioning of my site.


Problem 2: What we have is a failure to communicate

If typing out lists of filenames doesn’t sound that bad to you, I’ve got even worse news: you can’t run npm executables. That’s right. All your favorite npm CLIs? Poof. Gone.

Let’s say you have an existing Rollup build you want to Bazelify. You describe all your inputs and outputs, but… how do you run rollup -c? You can’t!

After hours of research you‘ll find:

  • rules_js kinda has a thing where you can point to a bin inside an npm package. But it blows up for many packages.
  • You find a js_binary macro, but that’s for running JS scripts you own, not npm CLIs (but you can spawn child processes to run npm CLIs except you might as well not use Bazel at that point).
  • You find rules_rollup, thinking you’re saved, except it only has a placeholder test that’s just a flimsy proof of concept.

You slowly come to the realization you’re going to have to make an entire Starlark wrapper. taking a week or two to work on this. You run into dead end after dead end. You fear the reason you can’t find others have paved this path before you is because it’s a bad idea. In the end, you get it working, but out of tiredness you’ve skipped recreating all the features you didn’t use.

2 weeks later

Now onto your 2nd npm executable. Oh God. Weeks have gone by, just trying to get a thing running that normally takes 15 minutes. You claw your way back to normalcy, with it barely running. Then you change your Rollup config and your rules_gen breaks. You break.

Problem 3: Dante’s 9 circles of hermeticity

Even assuming you are able to get a JS project running exactly as it did, the final boss is hermeticity where it doesn’t do anything in your local node_modules (of course not! That would be silly). It copies everything into a secret location on disk where it does work.

“What’s that error?” you say. You forgot to copy your node_modules into the secret location. “It’s still blowing up.” No, all of your node_modules. List them out. Every single one. Even the sub-dependencies. “OK it ran… where are my files?” Still in the super-secret location we can’t tell you about. What are their names? What are their contents? Who knows!

“Just tell me how to get my files back.” You have to create a build target selecting those files. “Then what—they’ll appear locally?” No, silly! A target only gives Bazel a list of files; you have to import and run another copy_to_directory macro to write those files back to your local workspace. “OK that worked but the files are in the wrong locations?” Oh, right, right—it actually didn’t build them like Node.js would have so you’ll need to rename and remap all the files back to their correct locations (and maybe fix some broken JS imports too).

“OK all that is done; now I want to run a followup command that generates my next set of files to the same location.” Nope! Bzzzzzt. Not possible at this time. You may only run one build task per output directory. Please try again later.

Problem 4: the times they are a-changin’

Some of the afore-mentioned would be workable if investments in Bazel paid dividends down the line. But the biggest mistake I see Bazel users making is underestimating how quickly the JS ecosystem evolves.

Smart technical decisions require less investment over time. Bazel requires increasing amounts of time and energy to maintain your infrastructure of Starlark wrappers and shim code teaching Bazel about JS. Imagine having to redo this every month. Every time a major version of an npm package is released. Every time an OSS project fails out of maintenance and a new one takes its place. Every time a quantum leap forward happens in research. Every generation of JS tooling requires more time plugging into Bazel because it’s evolutionarily more complex. But you’ll never benefit from all these new tools because you’re (still) trying to catch up to the previous generation.

But the real pointlessness is the fact that the JS ecosystem gets orders of magnitude faster every generation. All that work you spent building a wrapper for the slow JS tool that sped it up by 25% would have been better served upgrading to its successor that’s 1,000% faster. I’m not even talking hypothetically: webpack was replaced by Vite, esbuild, and soon Turbopack, Rollup with Rolldown, ESLint with Biome, PostCSS with Lightning CSS. If you’re using Bazel to speed up CI, then compare apples to apples. Focus on speeding up CI. And usually that fast track is leaning into the hundreds of thousands of smart JS devs that would absolutely love to help you with that.


“You’re tacky, and I hate you.” (School of Rock)
In summary, Bazel, you’re tacky and I hate you.

At the end of the day, a build system just won’t work for all languages, and that’s OK. Bazel was designed for a different usecase than JS. And it’s natural that Bazel tried to solve a problem for everyone, especially with the growing popularity and maturation of JS. And I applaud all the lovely contributors and maintainers that are making an effort at making Bazel better! But that doesn’t mean I’d touch Bazel with a 10 foot pole for handling JS right now.

But rather than end on a sour note and be a downer, I can sum up what would make Bazel compatible with JS with a more concrete answer than “make it like Turbopack” (OK, I lied—I did end up mentioning it again), only 3 changes would be required:

  1. Bazel runs npm executables with zero config. The most important tools in the ecosystem——build systems, linters, test runners—run via CLI and npm bins. Having to rewrite every CLI we want to use in Starlark is insane; we should just be able to use the damn thing.
  2. Bazel treats local node_modules as the canonical source. All Node.js tools rely on the node_modules local directory to share caches and talk to other packages. This is what powers Electron apps and extensions like VS Code. Don’t overlook all the optimizations npm packages are relying on local node_modules for—not the hermetic layer.
  3. No rules_ts. Evidence of Bazel’s incompatibility has been right under your nose the whole time. If Bazel Just Worked™ with the npm ecosystem, rules_ts goes away. After all, TypeScript is a package just like any other. The fact that Bazel requires a heavyweight wrapper for every tool you use is not a sustainable development model. Bazel will always be playing catchup to JS’ ecosystem. But if Bazel truly integrated with JS, rules_js would have everything you needed.

Will all these changes happen? I don’t know. And I’m not making ’em. But until these changes are made, I’ll personally be using anything but Bazel for JS. And you should, too.